The Association of Korean Medicine USA Branch

AAKM is the official organization representing licensed Korean Medicine Doctors practicing in the United States, holding licenses issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in S. Korea, as well as acupuncture licenses obtained from the respective state boards. We operate under the Association of Korean Medicine (AKOM).

AAKM is the official organization representing licensed Korean Medicine Doctors practicing in the United States, holding licenses issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in S. Korea, as well as acupuncture licenses obtained from the respective state boards. We operate under the Association of Korean Medicine (AKOM).

AAKM is the official organization representing licensed Korean Medicine Doctors practicing in the United States, holding licenses issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in S. Korea, as well as acupuncture licenses obtained from the respective state boards. We operate under the Association of Korean Medicine (AKOM).

AAKM Members Clinic List

Member Name

Clinic Name

Clinic Address

Phone Number


Hoyeon Park
피트니스 한의원 FitnessOMC Clinic
#210 6125 sussex ave burnaby, bc canada
Youn, Seung Il
달라스 경희한의원 | Dallas Kyung Hee Acupuncture & Chiropractic
445 walnut street, #139, Richardson, Texas, 75081